Internet Marketing by John Delavera

"Occult Marketing" is a trademark REGISTERED by The Internet Company.

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I'm about to reveal who "they" are and exactly WHAT they've been doing to you...

...When you find out, you'll be SHOCKED.

And if you're like me...

You'll Also Be MAD As HELL!

But there is an upside, because when you know how you've been persuaded against your will to simply line other people's pockets...

You can then use this knowledge to help untold numbers of people around the world, and profit from it BIG time.

Imagine if you can use covert persuasion on anybody you like, or perhaps subliminally influence them into buying, using and getting great results from your products.

Your loyal customers will snap up everything you offer them because they know they'll benefit from it.

How satisfying will it feel to watch
your products selling like gangbusters?

You can convince thousands to buy AND USE your programs, your courses, your recordings, your ebooks, your webinars, etc.

And what if you are a master of hypnotic communication and writing, spinning words into silken webs that capture your customers hearts, minds and wallets...

how rich do you want
to become by helping others?

Go ahead, name your desired net worth.

And then think BIGGER, because odds are you can achieve much, much more than you think you can.

Or perhaps conversational hypnosis is more your style.

Maybe you're in sales, and you will love turning everyday cold calls into a big, fat, juicy sales with mouth-watering commissions and numerous referrals while you help your new clients.

I wonder what you'll do with all your money?

Mind you, becoming a master of persuasion and mind control isn't for everyone.

It comes with a huge responsibility to use it for good, and for the benefit of not only yourself, but others, too.

After all, whether you're seducing that gorgeous person you just met...

...or influencing thousands of online prospects to purchase your products, you want to always do what is HONEST and right.

So please, do not use the skills and secrets you are about to acquire for anything but the highest good.

Use them for positive change, and you'll be rewarded - perhaps even beyond measure.

But use these powers for evil,
and you will reap what you sow.

Just a friendly warning.

Because possessing masterful influence over anyone and everyone is a huge power, indeed.

And as Spiderman would say, "With great power, comes great responsibility."

And for too long now, these powers to influence and persuade the masses have been exclusively in the hands of a few people who are only interested in furthering their billion dollar bank accounts. They don't care about the people they are influencing - they care only about the almighty $$$.

This is what happens when great power is placed in the WRONG hands.

So what have they been doing to YOU, to me, and to every other "Average Joe and Jane" out here?


What I'm about to share with you is unnerving,
Diabolical, and just plain WRONG.

If you saw the movie the Matrix and suspected that it might be true - that what we observe, what we hear and even what we BELIEVE might be an illusion created by someone else for their own diabolical reasons - your suspicions were 100% correct.

We are being manipulated against our free wills. We are being told only what they want us to know. We are missing the real truth of what is going on all around us 24/7.

And it's time that you and I wised up and took our heads out of the sand.

My loyal readers know me.
My loyal customers know me.
My loyal affiliates and JV partners know me.

I don't spout theories and conjecture.

I did not drink the Kool-aid at some wild party and wake up believing the earth is flat.

And I do not easily latch onto new or different ideas
Until I KNOW that they are FACT

And because you know me, you also know that I do not run around spouting nonsense. Everything that I tell my people is PROVEN, either through my own efforts and experience or the experience of others I know.

Theory is only good for getting to the next step - FACT. That's why I do not offer theory to my readers; instead, I tell them what does and what does not work. Period.

And I am ready to spill the beans and reveal to you that you are being MANIPULATED and you do not even know it.

For over 2000 years, we have been ruled not by what we see, but by what we don't see.

From Julius Caesar all the way to media broadcasts and corporate advertising today, the people have been subvertly directed in how to think, what to do, how to act and what to buy.

It's the elite few controlling the many

And they're so confident of their powers, that they have at times even publicly announced their methods to the world.

And yet - through no fault of their own - the people have been made so blind that they do not, cannot and will not see.

But don't take my word for it. Here is an example from American history...

What The Founding Fathers Were

As radical as this may sound, America was designed from the beginning to be run by the advantaged few over the disadvantaged many...

"Landholders ought to have a share in the government, to support these invaluable interests, and to balance and check the other. They ought to be so constituted as to protect the minority of the opulent against the majority."

James Madison,
Father of the US Constitution and 4th US President

You thought America was founded as the "Land of The Free and The Home of The Brave?"

Guess again.

It's the home of a small wealthy group ruling over and controlling a vast, sadly ignorant and clueless majority.

(Does this remind you of the Matrix yet?)

And here's another example of the few controlling the many...

Edward Bernays, the man who invented modern public relations, was the American nephew of Sigmund Freud.

How perfect is that? You want to control minds, and your uncle is Sigmund Freud. Do you think Bernays had inside info on how to influence and motivate people? You bet he did!

Capitalizing on Freud's insights into the subconscious, Bernays worked with American corporations to discover how to persuade the masses and convince them to desire things they don't need.

Thus, the modern consumer was created
in Frankenstein-like fashion.

When asked to promote World War I much like toothpaste or laxatives might be promoted, he created the advertising slogan; "The Great War, Making The World Safe for Democracy."

He went on to make Americans WANT to be in the war, WANT to FIGHT in the war, and even agreeable to DYING in the war.

If you can sell people on death and destruction, you can sell them on anything.

For example, Bernays is also responsible for making women, who until that time did not smoke, WANT to smoke. Thanks Bernays.

Imagine have so much insight into the human mind
That you can influence a nation of non-smoking women to become
AVID smokers, and do it in a SINGLE campaign!

We'll tell you how he did it, and many other extraordinary marketing feats, as well.

And if you think for a moment that Bernays did not understand the power he wielded, look at this...

From Bernay's Book, Propaganda...

"The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society.

"Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government that is the true ruling power of our country.

"We are governed, our minds molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.

"This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society."

I know what you're probably thinking...

"Okay John, while we're certainly being manipulated by corporations and the government, at least we have the news media to tell us what is really happening, right?"

We wish.

The mass media is owned by only 6 corporate media conglomerates.
These 6 impose a stranglehold on everything that you see, hear and read in the news.

But don't take my word for it...

The most in-depth study of how the "opulent minority" influences the mass media is found in the "Propaganda Model" outlined by Noam Chomsky, a professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Edward Herman, professor emeritus of finance at Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania...

News =
Propaganda Campaigns

"The raw material of news must pass through successive filters leaving only the cleansed residue fit to print... [the filters] fix the premises of discourse and interpretation and the definition of what is newsworthy in the first place, and they explain the basis and operations of what amount to propaganda campaigns."

-- MIT Professor Noam Chomsky and Wharton Professor Edward Herman

And here's another quote from Chomsky and Herman...

The Media Guards AGAINST Public Understanding

In Necessary Illusions, Chomsky spells out how the dominant class controls the dominant thoughts of the masses without the application of state violence as might occur at the hands of a less sophisticated and artful regime:

"[The media] are vigilant guardians protecting privilege from the threat of public understanding and participation... [instead of violence] more subtle means are required: The manufacture of consent... deceiving the masses with "necessary illusions."

Outraged? You should be!

I know I am, and so is any sane person who's been made privy to this information.

But there is something you
Can do to fight back

Just because we're been manipulated until now by a handful of people who control everything we see and hear, doesn't mean we have to take it any longer.

Once you know their diabolical secrets of covert persuasion, you can make yourself immune.

You can get your life back.

And as a marketer, you can do one better.

You can USE these secrets for yourself,
For your business - and yes - for your customers

Remember at the beginning of this letter, we asked you to use this knowledge only for good?

That's because this info is so powerful, in the wrong hands it can literally destroy civilization.

We witnessed this in the 1930's and 40's when an unknown rose in power to nearly take over the world.

Enough said.

This is power of the few over the many.

When this powerful knowledge is skillfully implemented, one man gains effortless access to the hearts, minds and wallets of millions.

The natural, even inevitable result is that he becomes a millionaire or a billionaire.

As a marketer, until you know the secrets of these "Opulent Few," you will never, ever reach the kind of success you are striving for.

Sure, you might get some small successes here and there.

But to make the fortune that you've been dreaming about, you've got to have the same techniques these people have been using on you since the day you were born.

That's why I've spent years (DECADES, really) researching these methods and distilling them down to their essence.

Because the only way to a level playing field is to have the same opportunities your opponent has.

And the only way to ensure you win the war is to have access to the same ammunition and battle plans your enemy has.

Introducing, Occult Marketing®...

Why "Occult," John?

Because the original meaning of "occult" had nothing to do with pop psychology, Tarot cards, magical incantations, or belonging to a cult.

The "occult" in Occult Marketing draws upon its original Latin meaning of "hidden, secret, to cover over, to CONCEAL and to HIDE."

The word "occult" is specifically associated with knowledge of the invisible, of the unknown.

It refers to a reality behind appearances that is beyond ordinary understanding. This special "occult" knowledge is deliberately "hidden from view" and "communicated only to the initiated."

Occult Marketing is the most powerful and effective sales, marketing, and communication methods known to mankind over the last 2,500 years.

It is the crystal clear revelation of how the human mind works from a sales, marketing, and communication perspective.

Occult Marketing is the skillful extraction of the essence of the ultimate mind power control secrets past and present...

...and presented to you here on a silver platter.

There has never been anything like Occult Marketing.
Not in Internet Marketing, not in traditional brick and mortar marketing, not anywhere.

While you may have caught glimpses of tiny pieces of Occult Marketing, odds are you didn't know what you were looking at. You didn't realize the power behind the individual technique you witnessed (how could you?)

And you had no idea that it was just a small piece of something much larger...

...something so powerful that it has been used time and time again to change the course history itself

None of us regular folks had a clue - only those few at the top who have been creating the world as we know it knew the full scope and sheer power of this knowledge.

Apply this knowledge, and what do you get?




I have spent years researching and investigating Occult Marketing. I have spoken with and hired people around the world to uncover this information for my own personal use, and frankly, to satisfy my own curiosity.

I never intended to make it public.

Rather, I intended to use it myself, on a limited basis.

I don't seek world domination. I only want to carve out my own personal niche in the world, helping others to succeed.

You might feel the same, finding contentment with realizing your goals of financial security and the freedom to do as you please

Or you might have loftier aspirations... perhaps millions aren't enough, and you're in search of billions.

Perhaps there is a cause you wish to champion. Maybe you'll be the one to end suffering for people of a community, country or even continent.

Either way, the application of the knowledge contained with Occult Marketing can do what others promise and fail to do - make your dreams a reality.

This much power in one person's hands can be a dangerous thing if they're not ready for it

Absorbing this much knowledge (hundreds of pages) in a relatively short time would no doubt leave a person overwhelmed, and could have dire consequences. Remember Neo in the Matrix - when he found out his world was illusion and reality was much, much different than it appeared, it was nearly more than he handle by himself.

His mind was overloaded, his senses were overwhelmed, and everything he knew to be true - wasn't true at all.

And so I've decided to do the best thing for all involved, and parcel this information out on a monthly basis. This way you can take one study, absorb it, begin using it, and then move onto the next.

The application of this knowledge is the ultimate secret of wealth, power, and influence.

Those who have this knowledge prefer to keep the secrets. They apply them through massive action and live like modern kings and queens.

Obviously, there is no profit for these secretive millionaire and billionaire mind control masters in revealing this ultimate knowledge to their competitors or to the masses. 

Here is a glimpse of
Ring 1, Study 1 (59 pages)...

  • Revealed: Knowledge of the invisible marketing machine, of the covert manipulation of your mind, and the truth behind what consumers think they see.
  • The one sentence that sold untold numbers of ultra-expensive cars (imagine using this technique to sell your own, much lower-priced products!)
  • The mind control methods used to control a whole nation, and throw the entire world into chaos.
  • The secret society of marketing experts who clandestinely apply this hidden knowledge to make millions (and billions!)

The power of the few over the many; when this knowledge is skillfully implemented, a single individual can gain effortless access to the wallets of millions.

  • The hidden mass manipulation secret revealed in Henry David Thoreau's classic, "Walden" that turns people into putty in the hands of anyone armed with this knowledge.
  • How to manipulate people for their highest good and simultaneously, your own maximum profit, creating a win-win that snowballs both your earnings and your customer base.
  • How to stop being the victim of covert persuasion, media mind control and subliminal selling once and for all. (Make no mistake, you almost certainly are falling into these traps, as do 98% of the population.)

How to sell more of almost anything using a simple, seemingly unrelated picture.

  • The 46 very specifically chosen words a well-known politician used to manipulate and persuade an entire country by ruthlessly exploiting this hidden knowledge.
  • Revealed: Mysteries so "mysterious" and well-hidden that the average person does not even know they EXIST.
  • How another politician gained the highest office using conversational hypnosis. (Imagine what YOU could do!)
  • How to make people super-susceptible to your suggestions.
  • And more!

If the masses were ever to understand how they are being manipulated for profit, then these methods would be less effective.

Is it any wonder why they have been suppressed for so long?

Consider the clever but ordinary sleight of hand magic trick...

When the secret trick is revealed and fully explained, then even the non-magician can follow it and expose the trick.

This eager observer does not need to become a master magician himself to "blow the whistle" on the sneaky trick. He can just be an educated, attentive observer.

This is why the secrecy is maintained by those who routinely manipulate millions of human minds for power, profit and dominion.

They do not want even one "whistle blower" to reveal their secrets...

a sneak peek inside
Ring 1, Study 2 (79 pages)...

  • Hidden knowledge, hidden symbols, hidden terms, hidden catch phrases and more; how a child discovered the secrets even you and I did not dare to believe - until now. (HINT: You'll sell more of your products when you use this knowledge.)
  • The man who gave away his life's work in order to research the occult and expose the secret societies and and the hidden, elite, religious, and political power structures manipulating our very lives (sounds crazy, I know, but the marketing lessons you'll discover are profound!)
  • The world of difference between what government officials tell the public, and what they reveal to their immediate families. (And how to FIGHT BACK!)
  • How is it that throughout history, a few sophisticated elites always manage to dominate over the impoverished, poorly educated masses? What do they know that you do not? And how do YOU use it to RULE your world?
  • Controlling the world and controlling the people - a SHOCKING revelation for MARKETERS every where, and how to use this knowledge in your business.
  • The surprising, shocking secrets the FBI does not want you to discover. (When you do, your freedom is assured)
  • Roswell, reincarnation, aliens; what do any of those things have to do with MARKETING? More than you think!
  • The secret multi-national corporation started by the real power behind the British Throne - there's a good chance you're LIVING in it right now. (SURPRISE SURPRISE, you aren't going believe this!)
  • How control over you, your family and even your country has been maintained for hundreds of years - you'll feel like a puppet newly released from your strings when you read this.
  • Where to find the dramatic recording that features stunning and controversial predictions about the very near future.
  • The secret the Queen of England is keeping from her subjects - a marketing lesson in how to present a product the way your customers WANT to see it, and not as it actually is.
  • The marketing of religions, the setting of the sun, and the devil himself; nothing is as it appears, and this is true in your niche of the world as well. Here's what to do about it...
  • Where to find numerous videos for free that will reveal you in depth the secret organizations that are running this world, their future plans, and what all of this hidden knowledge means for you. (Download these quickly, because censorship threatens to permanently remove them from the Internet.)
  • Think what we've talked about here so far is strange and unusual? Well, you ain't seen nothing, yet! (Your benefits are HUGE when you stick with this program!)
  • And more!


I am known by my people for OVER DELIVERING.

In fact, I pride myself on giving my people far more in value than I receive in money.

That's why you get the first 2 Studies
in 2 Formats:

On PDF AND Audio (mp3)

This will get you off to an even faster start... since you can listen to the mp3 where ever you are: in the car, while exercising in the Gym, etc.

...And put you in control of your destiny that much faster.

NOTE: this is a blatant (NON-covert NON-subliminal) old-fashioned bribe to get you to try Occult Marketing NOW...

And yes, I will pull this offer without warning, simply because I can.
(I believe in total honesty with my people, as you see :-)

Here is...

a glimpse within
the 71 pages of Ring 1, Study 3...

(This study will BLOW you away and make you see the world in an entirely new light!)

  • How to achieve mass persuasion and virtually hypnotic influence over your customers - even if right now you can't influence a thirsty man to take a drink of water.
  • How to never appear as a pushy salesman, and instead get a warm welcome from even the most skeptical prospect.
  • The devious, diabolical method one administration used to sell the American people on a long, costly war by using "message force multipliers." Use this technique with caution, it's powerful beyond measure.

What to leave OUT of your sales message to induce a buying frenzy in your prospects.

  • How to tell a story so engaging, so enchanting and so compelling that the customer will actually enjoy persuading himself — and will thank YOU for "selling" him on it!
  • How to lead other people's thinking to the exact conclusions you want them to reach.
  • The biggest mind control "experiment" ever (it's still going on) that puts people into an almost immediate trance without them ever realizing it. Put your customers in this same trance, and you can sell them almost anything.

The 6 Laws of Covert Persuasion that will have your prospects automatically saying yes to your offers without even thinking.

  • The musical hypnotic persuasion trick that puts anyone into trance and works just as well with our without music.
  • What the FTC, FCC and ATF have to say about using subliminal advertising (follow their rules, and you can LEGALLY compel your customers to buy more of your products with very little effort!)
  • Free press? There's no such thing. All media is controlled by just SIX entities, all united by one agenda. But this actually works to your ADVANTAGE when you know how to use the system for your own publicity and promotions.

8 classic propaganda tricks that render your opponents (or competition) utterly harmless and ineffectual.

  • How to keep your customers tuned into your every message using the mind control methods employed by the government. Imagine what doubling your open rate on emails can mean for your bottom line!
  • Hypnotic external enemies and threats - how the government uses them to control the people - and how you can use them to unite your customers and make them fiercely loyal to you.
  • What do Somalian Pirates, Terrorists and Communists have to do with mind control marketing? More than you would ever guess...

Want people to believe something outrageous? Use the 2-step "Big Lie" method to easily convince them.

  • The day the CIA got its hand caught in the mind control cookie jar - too bizarre and shocking to believe, yet it's meticulously documented - this proves the lengths to which the government will go to control your mind.
  • How to bypass the "thinking" brain and get your message straight to the reflexive "flight or fight" brain to induce people to BUY your products or take an action WITHOUT thinking.
  • And more!

Occult Marketing is Simply Too Powerful.

BREATH TAKING, to say the least

John, the first Ring of Occult Marketing is breath-taking, to say the least!

This is applicable across the board in any industry or discipline. There are levels of knowledge that are readily available, and still other levels that can only be accessed by those who have mastered the existing knowledge.

The "hidden knowledge" of how to communicate effectively so as to bring about specific desired results not only works very well, but it's at work right now!

OM is not only very valuable, but also very NECESSARY. There is a battle for our minds.

It is when we not only grasp this truth but also are able to both recognize, guard against and utilize the weapons being used against us that we will be able to successfully defend ourselves, our loved ones and our livelihoods from this concerted use of the "hidden knowledge" by the "powers that be."

It is from this perspective, and a realization of the need of a right understanding and use of OM, that John has decided to make this knowledge available on a limited basis.

And that is as it should be . . . for OM is very powerful, and power can be used for good or evil.

-- Stephen Boutelle  

Think of it as something to whet your appetite, as well as get your mind prepared for the new revelations you will receive.

I invite you to join us right now, because there is a battle taking place on this planet.

It is a battle for the minds of men and women.

It is a battle for YOUR mind, and now - FINALLY - you can do something about it.

It is time you knew the truth

It is time you took action.


Because we can show you the secret way.

That your life will change is not just likely...


Once you walk through this door and enter the radical world of Occult Marketing, there is no turning back.

Your eyes will finally be opened.

And like the blind man who begins to see, who experiences light for the first time, you will be ASTOUNDED.

Once your eyes have been opened, the last thing you will want is to go back to being blind and ignorant of the forces in play in this world.

Once you have seen the light - even a little bit of the light - the darkness and blindness will be shattered forever.

But that is not even the most important reason for joining us.

It's what you can DO and what you can ACCOMPLISH and what you can HAVE once you make this knowledge your own

Yesterday you worried about how to get 100 people to your website.

With Occult Marketing, you can get thousands, or hundreds of thousands, or even millions.

Yesterday you worried about how to sell more of your products.

Imagine: You're in your house right now.

You know your house well - you know every room, every problem with the house that needs repair or remodeling, every space you wish was bigger, every additional room you wish you had.

A Hidden Door in Your Closet

You walk into the back bedroom, open up the closet, and for the first time you notice a door in the back wall of that closet.

Hanging next to the door is a key.

Heart racing, you carefully insert the key into the lock, open the door... and step into the home of your dreams.

Everything you ever wanted in a home, every spacious room, every gleaming appliance, every bit of gorgeous furniture, even the breath taking view through the window - it's all there.

And it's all yours.

All this time, the house of your dreams has been right there within reach, waiting for you to discover it.

Occult Marketing is that door to what you desire.

Using the knowledge within Occult Marketing is the key.

And the life of your dreams is within reach, right here, waiting for you.

All you have to do is open the door...

With Occult Marketing, you can sell as much as you want, when you want. You hold the power.

Yesterday you worried about how to pay the bills.

With Occult Marketing, you may wonder what to do with all the money.

Yesterday you couldn't get people to listen to you, couldn't get them to take action, couldn't persuade a thirsty man to drink water.

With Occult Marketing, you become a master of persuasion, of hypnotic communication, of covert hypnosis.

Yesterday you were blind... you can see

And you are to be commended, because what you did in your mind, in your thoughts, and in your life before you arrived here is what got you here.

Your mind got you to this point, to the threshold of the hidden source of secret knowledge that is Occult Marketing.

Your mind, combined with the knowledge of Occult Marketing,
Can be the most powerful force in the universe!

That's why your next step is to take action.

You Get Studies 1, 2 and 3 Instantly.

And you will be getting ONE EYE-OPENING STUDY per month for the next 21 months.

Here are the covers of the Studies that you will eventually get - one study per month!



Get the first 3 Studies and be amazed.

See what's inside the fourth Study and be blown away.

Watch for the fifth and sixth one, and you will never, ever look back.

For the first time, and possibly the ONLY time in history, this knowledge is available to you.

Those too afraid to venture forward will forever remain in the dark, influenced and ruled by those with the Occult knowledge.

You are either the influencer, or the influenced

The puppet, or the master.

The blind, or the omnipotent.

Scratching for a living, or living in opulent luxury.

The choice would be obvious if you needed to make one.

But you don't need to decide anything.

And you don't need to take my word for it, either.

Instead, I urge you to experience Occult Marketing for yourself - and also see what people say below.

Prove to yourself that EVERYTHING I am saying is true, and more.

And if for ANY reason you are not totally, completely, 100% BLOWN AWAY, simply let me know and you will get a fast, no-questions-asked full refund.

Experience Occult Marketing
100% Risk - FREE
Not BAN-FREE through

Prove to yourself that EVERYTHING I've revealed here is true. Experience the power. Live the life of your dreams and feel the happiness and joy of ruling your own life and never being anyone else's hapless pawn ever again.

And if for ANY reason you are not totally, completely, 100% BLOWN AWAY, then I don't want your money. Simply post a ticket at you will get a fast, full no-question asked cheerful refund of every penny. But: I shall ban your account so you won't be able to re-order again, for my and your protection too.

If we are on the same wave, then there is nothing to lose, and the world to gain.

If not, there is no need to order.

It's up to you really.


The cost...

I had to be conservative here... I wanted to ask for $497 per month, because I invest 1000s of dollars for EACH Study anyway. But then again, the purpose of the official release of the Studies in public has been my will to pass the knowledge to as many I can - given that we are on the same wave here.

The monthly subscription MAY become $497 in the future - but not now.

The cost of the monthly subscription is:



 per month.
Price may change without a notice.

Again, I need to emphasize here that:

  • you Cannot find the content elsewhere on Earth,

  • each Study Of the Occult Marketing® series is a collectible item indeed,

  • You get THE FIRST 3 STUDIES (first two come on pDF and mp3) DURING THE FIRST MONTH.

  • You get 1 Study per month in PDF format afterwards for the next 21 months.

Order Safely Through Secure Servers

Purchase Online with Credit Card by Secure Server

It doesn't matter if it's 2:00 a.m. in the morning!
Major Credit Cards & PayPal Accepted

And welcome to the light.

One of the very few,

John Delavera

P.S. The story of YOU...

Imagine you keep a safe deposit box at your bank.

There's not much in it, just your birth certificate, a tiny bit of money and a couple of sentimental family heirlooms.

One day you go to the bank to take your money out of that box, but the attendant passes right by your box and instead inserts her key in a much larger box right next to yours.

You start to say something to her, but as you look down at your own key, you realize it looks different. It has a different number on it. And the new number matches the box the attendant is indicating.

So you insert your key, turn the lock, and the door swings open.

The attendant pulls out the privacy box inside, lays it on the table, and leaves the room.

What's in it?

Fingers trembling, you lift the lid...

...and inside you see the box is completely filled with stacks and stacks of $100 bills. You've never seen so much money in your life. Surely this is a mistake?

You ask the attendant, who double checks the records. "Yes," she says, "it's your box. You rented it just a few months ago."

And she reads the date...

And then you remember. That was the day you joined Occult Marketing...

...the day your life changed forever!

One last note...

P.P.S. Some are going to ask me if I used any of the methods in Occult Marketing in this letter.

To find out, ...

It was all Greek to me.

Having a passion for things IT - I'm familiar with blank looks when talking to those who must use computers but would prefer not to.

They'd say stop - speak English, please.

I must admit I felt the same when the subject was Marketing.

Marketing was Greek to me.

I'm an under-the-hood kind of guy and that's exactly the kind of insights Occult Marketing gave me.

Occult Marketing... widened my business perspective.

Embedded a deep understanding of mass influence.

Make me see through the smoke when being marketed to - and then reverse the process.

Business is way more fun now!

Thanks for releasing Occult Marketing, John.

Jeff Sinclair
It's a REAL eye-opener.

John's "Occult Marketing" truly provide this master marketer's big picture and detailed view of what communication to large audiences and markets is all about. If you took advantage of some of his previous works, you'll recognize instantly how he colorfully brings history and facts into his explanations.

I look forward to further releases of "O Marketing," which I fully trust will continue to be both educational and enlightening. This will be a big part of my personal library of resources to draw upon.

Dan Lee
I am a hardcore fan of John Delavera, my good friend and mentor. I can honestly say, that under normal circumstances, I will drop what I am doing when I get an email from John. There has always proven to be a powerful message in his communications, when I do so.

I have even found myself checking my email inbox, specifically to see if John has sent something out. Every one of his creations has paid off in more than a monetary return, but in a strategic education for the improvement of my business and its operations.

"Occult Marketing" is far more than a vehicle which facilitates the ability to generate great wealth. It is a tool. And, in my opinion a tool that develops an "awareness" throughout your entire lifestyle. Don't walk blindly through life and fall prey to any and all of the countless influences we encounter in everyday marketing.

This "O-wareness" must be awakened within ourselves and we need to pass it on to our loved ones and all of those which we have the ability to influence, for their own good.

Take heed!

You look both ways when you are choosing to cross a roadway. Now it's time you apply the same care to your marketing choices.

Gain as much exposure as you can, to John's "OccultO Marketing". Do it now!

Stay Safe, (and make lots of money)

Aaron A LaRiche
Before I was an actual customer of John's - I could always tell when someone was using his system.

All of my purchases seemed to have an organized system in place - and as the purchaser I appreciated it.

Well, here I am as a customer of John's - and I see where it all comes from.

I am nothing short of being amazed - your work is incredible!

I'm sure, just like many others - I've placed John in my list of A-Class marketers ... and I really can't think of the last time someone has made this big of an impact on my overall thought process.

Thank you John - keep up the great work!

Nick Teetzel

As you know, I've spent significant time working behind the scenes to support some Internet Marketing Superstars.

I wouldn't dare risk my reputation to endorse anyone who I did not know to be genuine.

You my friend, exceed those guidelines.

Your insight to the human psyche sets you apart from all other mentors on the subject of Internet Marketing.

Our society teaches wealth equals freedom.

Your approach turns that belief inside out and gives your students access to both.

I salute you for your success in helping so many people reach their goals and dreams.

Keep up the good work!

Arris Oldman

Occult Marketing® is a trademark registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark Office by The Internet Company. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use of trademark will result to legal proceedings.

All Studies have been registered in U.S. Copyright Office. The Studies contain material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. No part of the Studies may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any mechanical, graphical or electronic means without prior written, dated, and signed permission from John Delavera and The Internet Company.