Exploding The
#1 Internet Marketing Myth
Once and For All

Do any of these sound familiar to you?

"I started on Thursday, and a week later I was making $300 per
day. Now I make millions, and you can too, when you buy my program."

"I bought every book, took every course, and eventually, when
I'd spent enough money, I made millions. So buy my ebook now."

"All you need is my (pick one)
--Free e-course
--$47 ebook
--$97 script/software
--$39 per month membership site
--$297 conference call series
--$997 mega-package
and you'll have everything you need to immediately start making big money fast."

If it's so incredibly easy to make a fortune online, why isn't everybody raking in five or six figures per month, working in their underwear?

It would be great if building a real business online was as easy as buying a bunch of e-books, but, frankly, it's not.

An ebook, course or software program is a PIECE of the Internet marketing puzzle.

It's great to have, but IT'S NOT THE WHOLE PICTURE, and it's certainly not everything you need to start raking in boatloads of cash tomorrow like some of them claim.

Think about it.

Why do you think other industries don't advertise
things the way we do in Internet marketing?


Think of the headlines:

"This $47 eBook is All You Need to Build an Entire House From Scratch."
"And when you order by midnight tonight, we'll even send you a video that
 details how to build your home, all by yourself, in 21 days or less,
even if you've never held a hammer before in your life!"

Yeah, RIGHT!
"How to Be a Jumbo Jet Pilot in 30 Days"
"Everything you need is in our massive 10 pound info package shipped straight to your door.
Forget about taking hundred of hours of flight lessons from someone who actually knows what they're doing... Take our course from the comfort of your couch, and you'll be ready to make $10,000 per day piloting the biggest jets all over the world!"


"Be The Son Your Mother Always Wanted!"
"In 12 information packed conference calls, we'll not only teach you how to do brain surgery,
we'll even teach you how to have customers lining up around your block,
cracking open their own wallets and skulls to get your services."

Uh-huh. Sure. Right.

The fact is... almost any job you can think of that takes any kind of specialized knowledge, be it hairdresser or corporate CEO, needs two kinds of training...

...book training and
on the job training.

No hair dresser ever became good at her trade without cutting hair.

No CEO worth his salt went straight from reading books to the top office.

Yet day in and day out, this is EXACTLY what Internet marketers have been telling you.

All you have to do is buy this book, course, software or whatever, and then you're ready.

No experience needed.

No help offered.

"Thanks for buying my product, now you are on your own.
Good luck, you're gonna need it."

Even a letter carrier, the person who delivers the mail, rides with someone to learn the route. Now really, how hard is it to get all the mail into all the right mailboxes?

But even they get on the job training...

Contractors take courses, get licensed, and work with experienced tradesmen to get a house built.

Pilots take lessons and pilot small craft for YEARS, usually DECADES, before becoming a co-pilot at a major airline. Then they spend another decade or two as a co-pilot, LEARNING from the Captain, before finally BECOMING the Captain.

Brain surgeons go through more schooling than I can even imagine, and then they spend YEARS working side by side with EXPERIENCED surgeons before they can be in charge of performing a surgery. And even then they're never alone. They have fellow surgeons and nurses right there to assist.

Yet we're trying to tell people that
they can make a fortune, starting from day one,
by simply listening to conference calls or reading ebooks.

Yes, ebooks and e-courses can teach you a lot.

But just like reading a book on how to drive a car can teach you a lot, there is NO SUBSTITUTE for getting behind the wheel.

And when you do, you want someone sitting next to you who knows what they're doing...

...someone who can give you guidance...

...someone to help you watch out for other cars and obstacles...

...someone to tell you if you're about to make a deadly mistake...

...someone to be there while we do one of the scariest things we'll ever undertake...

...learning to pilot a two ton vehicle at high speeds in the midst of a whole bunch of other two ton vehicles trying to share the same road without sharing paint jobs.

Internet marketing is no different.

Yes, you can eventually become successful online without help.

It can be done.

Odds are, you will never do it, though.

You will give up.

That's nothing personal, it's simply a fact.

99 people out of a 100 will never, ever be successful online, no matter how much they claim they want it.

First, purchasing an ebook means nothing.

Really, did you read it?

Did you apply ANYTHING in the book?

Do you even remember what you read?

And just because you made a $47 investment, or a $1997 investment, there is nothing that says it will not go totally, completely to waste.

Think about it: If everyone who purchased an ebook on Internet marketing was successful, we'd have hundreds of thousands of rich Internet marketers.

Do we?

No way. You know yourself, you can count on two hands the big names you can think of online. Figure for everyone you know, there are probably 100 you don't know. So if you can think of ten, there's maybe 1000 super successful ( $100,000 + per year ) Internet marketers out there.

1000 out of the millions and millions of ebooks and courses and products that have been sold in the past ten years on Internet marketing? That's only 100 successful people per year.

How do your odds look now?

No one ebook or course or big package is going to give you what you need to be successful. They will give you pieces.

It's up to you to fit them together, find out what's missing and fill that in.

There are no college degrees in Internet marketing. Ours is the ONE industry where your training consists of bits and pieces, and you are left to struggle totally, completely on your own.

And it's bogus.

The fact is, almost no one ever experiences
true success without the help of others.

Just because we sit at our computers
in our homes doesn't mean we work in a vacuum.

We need customers. We need others to help us promote our products.

And before any selling happens, we need guidance on how to choose the right market, choose the right product, create that product, and get it ready to sell.

No one, and I mean no one, builds a successful business all on their own.

If you think it can by done,
you've bought into a lie.

Are you familiar with the expression, it's not WHAT you know, it's WHO you know?

Frankly, it's both.

How are you going to create products that people hunger for if you don't ask people what they want?

How are you going to market those products if you don't have contacts to help you get the word out?

How are you gong to do Joint Ventures without other people? JV with yourself?

You can only build a list so big all by yourself...

But you can work with others to build monster lists.

You can only think of so many good ideas by yourself...

But working with others, you can have UNLIMITED ideas, possibilities and solutions.

The list goes on and on.

My points are these:

If you think an ebook or 100 ebooks are going to show you
everything you need to build a lifetime business on the Internet,
think again.

If you think you can do everything by yourself, alone, with no help, think again.

You do not work in a vacuum online, you need other people.
And in the beginning...

You either need the thickest skin in the world,
along with the perseverance and faith of a saint...
...or you need a teacher. A mentor.

Someone to show you the ropes.

Someone to guide you.

My name is John Delavera.

I've been online for over 18 years - since 1994.

And I am here to help.

Here Are The Top Ten Reasons to
Have a Mentor of Your Own...

10. Experience.

A qualified mentor has already accomplished what you want to do. They know the pitfalls, problems and mistakes that can happen. They know the shortcuts. They know what works and what doesn't.

There is NO better teacher than experience.

Imagine starting a brand new business with 18 years of experience, compared to starting with NO experience.

When you have a qualified mentor, his experience becomes yours.

It gives you an incredible edge you can gain no other way.

It's like starting a baseball game 10 points ahead of the other team,
or starting a race 10 miles ahead of your competition.
With an edge like that, it's easy to win.

9. Knowledge.

A qualified mentor knows his area of expertise inside and out.

A mentor has been studying and learning his business and his market for years. He is an EXPERT in the field.

Imagine you're about to roll out a new product, and there are 23 different ways to do a launch. Do you know the 23 different ways? And if so, do you know WHICH way is the RIGHT way to go with your product and your target market?

What about all the details involved in product creation and product launches?
Do you know every single step?
Do you know the best way to execute every step?

What about timing?

If you're going to build a skyscraper and you're no architect, are you going to do it yourself? Or get an expert to help you?

If you have to go to court, are you going to represent yourself? Or get an expert who's been practicing law for years?

Experts have knowledge.

And if you're lucky enough to find
an expert willing to mentor you in your
chosen field, hang on tight and don't let them go
until you're well on your way to becoming as successful as they are.

8. Contacts.

No doubt you've heard that a great way to spread the news about your new business or product is to do joint ventures, right?

So what do you do, email the top dogs and ask them to promote your product?

Good luck with that.

Most well known Internet marketers get joint venture proposals NUMEROUS times per DAY. So if you even get a "no," you still did better than 95% of the prospective JV'ers who never heard anything back.

But with a mentor in your field, who's been WORKING in your field, you've got someone on your team with CONTACTS. Someone who can drop emails to their contacts introducing you.

Now, do you think someone with contacts can increase
your odds of getting JV's? You better believe it can.

7. Exposure

In addition to contacts, a qualified mentor will have a large list of their own.

Imagine the edge you have, knowing that you have access to a big list before you even get your product created!

Plus, most mentors will have additional methods for getting the word out about your product...

...Including high traffic websites and membership sites.

6. Accountability

Let's face it, when you work alone, you are your own boss. And often times, that means you're doing something else when you should be working.

After all, you have no one to answer to but yourself.

So that project you've been talking about gets delayed and put off and procrastinated on until you can't even remember WHY you were doing that project in the first place.

But when you have a mentor, you've got someone who is going to hold you accountable. That means when you and your mentor agree that you will have something done by a certain date, you now have a deadline and someone who is going to hold you accountable.

Having a mentor gives you that little edge that keeps you working instead of lounging on your couch or sleeping in.
And let's face it, we all need that extra motivation now and then.

5. Partnership

This goes hand in hand with accountability.

When we're trying to go it alone, we are a-l-o-n-e, which is a lonely miserable thing to be.

When you have a mentor, you are part of a team.

Need encouragement? Want to bounce an idea around? Negative thoughts intruding?

Get the help and encouragement you need by getting on the instant messenger with your mentor.

4. Guidance

Ever wish you had a guardian angel looking out for you, gently guiding you to make the right choices and decisions?

When you have a mentor, you have a business guardian who does exactly that.

In Internet marketing, as in any business, there are 10 wrong answers for every right answer. That is, there are far more things you can do wrong and far more mistakes you can make, then there are right things to do.

So if you're just "hoping" you make the right choice, the right business decisions and the right moves, odds are you will make many, many mistakes.

This is called the "trial and error" method. And it is a very long, arduous TRIAL because of the many ERRORS you make.

But when you have a mentor to guide you on your path, you sidestep most of those mistakes.

Think of walking through an unfamiliar mine field alone at night, compared to having someone with you in the daylight who has intimate knowledge of where all the buried bombs are.

It makes a tremendous difference,
both in your confidence and your results.

3. Feedback

So, you wrote a chapter in your new book, or you made a recording, or you created a website, or you wrote a sales letter.

Is it any good?

What did you forget?

How can you improve it?

Ask your mentor. With his experience and knowledge, who better to ask?

Many newbies ask their spouses and friends. Of course, these are the same spouses and friends who have never made a dime online.

So no wonder they get useless, or worse yet, harmful feedback.

Ask someone who KNOWS.
Ask your mentor.

2. Time and Speed

How much is YOUR time worth? 

Do you want to spend the next five years learning from mistake after mistake, until you FINALLY start earning a decent income?

Or would you like to spend the next one to five years building a business that will take care of you for a lifetime?

In the first scenario, you're barely getting started in five years.

Sort of like taking the next five years and throwing them out the window. Which, by the way, are the youngest five years you have left.

In the second scenario, you're using your time wisely.

You're investing your time into finally building the business
that will take care of you and your family
for the rest of your lives. 

And the Number ONE Reason to Have a Mentor...

1. Money

Whew, this is a BIG one.

If you don't know what you're doing in Internet marketing, you can waste a LOT of money on useless things you don't need, while trying to save money by not purchasing the things you DO need!

Worse yet, you can waste entire years of your time getting nowhere.

But without a mentor, it can easily take you years to reach that level, IF you ever do reach that level.

Five years of $3000 per month LOST
because you didn't have a mentor adds up to $180,000 LOST.

You tell me:
Can you afford NOT to have a mentor???

Here's What YOU Need to Bring to the Table
When You Have a Mentor

Realize that having an Internet marketing mentor puts you


While almost everyone else out there is struggling to build a business...

You now have the inside track.

You have an incredible edge most people only dream of.

Imagine if everyone is trying to get to the top of a huge mountain.

While everyone else is crawling up a slippery, icy slope in gale force winds, you're taking the secret express elevator.

Having a mentor is a privilege like no other.

There are also responsibilities.

First: LISTEN.

You've no doubt paid your mentor well. He deserves every penny, and you deserve every success he can help you win.

So set aside whatever it is you think you know, open up your mind, and listen.

He's already conquered that mountain over and over again. He knows what he's talking about.

Second: After You Listen, DO.

Don't sit.

Don't ponder.

Don't wonder.

Just take ACTION.

It's amazing how many people do not get this one right.

No matter what you're doing, be it coloring Easter eggs or weeding the yard, it doesn't get done unless someone takes action.

So get to work.

Third: Expect RESULTS.

Real results. 


Today I'm looking to work personally with just a few more people.

Are YOU the right person?

With your answer in mind...

Here are the top three reasons
why you should consider
becoming my protege...


1. I know what I'm doing

2. I know what I'm doing

3. I know what I'm doing


Okay, joking aside, here are the REAL reasons to becoming my 

1. I  Know What I'm Doing.

I've worked hard, I've made some truly dumb mistakes (if anyone who claims to be successful tells you they haven't made mistakes, they're full of crap.)

And yes, I learned from them and lived through them.

I know what it takes.

I know the methods, the techniques, and the secrets.

I have lived and breathed Internet marketing for
almost TWO DECADES now.

And I am GOOD at it.

2. I've created FROM SCRATCH and marketed over 100 different products.

turbo empire

In fact I had to RETIRE most of my products from the market in order to be able to "operate" again more personally with my people... "Turbo Farewell" now is a past. There may be some icenses available today via special promotions.

Take a look to some of the products created through the "turbo brand:"


DELAVO® has been my best invention so far.

DELAVO is a robust system marketers can trust for their online business. In fact, it's a platform that also generates ideas on how to sell more and easier. :)


I've invented over 120 other scripts, created for and released by my Turbo Membership....

turbo scripts


The Turbo Membership produced over 100 ebooks too...
turbo ebooks


Here are some of my personal ebooks on Internet Marketing...



And some of the membership sites I ran...

and more....

TurboZine (more than 150 issues have been published unti ltoday.)


Quite a long list eh?

Mmm... Allow me to ask you something:

Do you know ANYONE else on the ENTIRE net
that has created FROM SCRATCH
such a huge line of products??

Mind you I don't mention here
what I have done AFTER I retired
the first set of the turbo-line of products...

And... I do not mean products generated by content or ideas based on "private label rights..." I mean...

UNIQUE products...

Products baked by a human (turbo) brain... One man's brain...

3. I've proven with myself as a test case that I can in fact mentor a person.

Need I say more?


Here's what I will do for you as your mentor...

 We shall work together. Together we will decide on your BRAND, and your first informational product. We will decide what exactly it will be, and then my team of writers will create it to our specifications. It'll count 50-60 pages of pure unique and awesome content.

My professional writers and graphic artists will create the sales letter, the graphics needed and all html pages; in general the complete website you will need.

If you need hosting, then we'll setup a hosting account for you with the domain name of your choice.

Then we'll set up DELAVO GOLD on your server.

Then we'll integrate your site with JVZoo and setup everything so your affiliates will be able to copy and paste their promotional messages and promote your product.

Once your product, your hosting and DELAVO are ready, I'll tell you where to first release it and then I'll PROMOTE it to my lists. I also have a suggestion for you that will bring you some very qualified prospective customers almost instantly...

Best of all: you will see me in action. You will see how I create everything and when the mentoring is over you can REPLICATE that proceed with your next product.

I know it sounds good.

Now here is the bad news.

I am not available for everybody.
Although I'd love to be cloned, this is not possible at the moment... :-)

In fact if I remember right the last time I opened this type of mentoring program was on 2013.

I can work with 6 people for 6 months - that's how long the mentoring will be. So if you see the order link active near the bottom of this page, then you can still reserve a spot in my mentoring program. If not, come back in 2+ years.

This mentoring is not for everyone, but IT IS for those who ARE READY. If you try to go alone and create a product you will spend a fortune. For me it's a routine - with the teams I have created.

My TARGET is to:

A. Create that product for you and do everything I have described to you above, AND

B. Help you to understand the whole process so you can stand up on your feet when I let you free.

And as you can understand, this will be a 1-on-1 project.
It'll be "you and me."

Here is the schedule:

You'll spend the first month exploring yourself, working with the Ladder of Success - with your Angel standing by for any help you may need. We will talk about yourself. I want to see what you can create, so once you have your product ready you can easily replicate the success. This way, we'll also discover what you can do.

Then we will create your product. As we said you will see the whole process...  You will learn what resources I use and how I use them with your  product.

Once the product is ready,  my team will set up everything: your server, hosting, and DELAVO for you, as well as all the pages you need for your business.

Within 6 months or sooner, I will officially deliver the product to you and promote it to my lists.

The cost?

Your price is not $22,000... not $15,000... not even $10,000.

The total cost for the business I am going to create for you is $6,997.00 with no refund right.

In specific: $1,997 paid today and
five $1,000 monthly installments.

Yes, this mentoring IS NOT for everybody and that's how it'd be.

I repeat it: if you are not determined yet, then do not order.

I'm NOT offering you an "automatic" way but a way to AUTOMATE your success. If you feel that you are not ready, then please do not "try" my system and this offer.

How to become my protege?

Click Here

And in case you're curious...
Here are the Top Five Reasons
NOT to Have a Mentor ;-)

Why you should never, ever have a mentor
if you want to be successful in Internet Marketing.

1. Think of all the mistakes you'll miss if you have a mentor.

After all, isn't half the fun making mistakes?

How else are you going to learn?

Okay, while it's true that if you have a mentor he'll teach you everything you need to know...

You'll miss the thrill of working weeks and weeks to launch a new product,
only to have it fail miserably.

2. It's way too cheap to hire a mentor.

Having a mentor can seem pricey, until you compute the cost of NOT having a mentor.

Just think of all the time and expense of launching a new product and having it fail.

First, you probably spent hours and hours creating the product, writing the sales letter, etc.

Then there's the money lost, money that you could have made had you been doing something, anything profitable.

Let's face it, when you invest 100 hours to launch a new product, and you make exactly 5 sales at $47, you've earned a whopping $2.35 per hour.

Subtract out any expense you had, and you've made less than that.

If you simply went to work at McDonald's,
you would give yourself a MONSTER pay raise!

Now, if you hired a mentor, and made a nice profit on your first launch, and even more on your second, third, fourth, twenty-seventh and so on, you'll find that the initial cost of hiring a mentor is negligible.

Better to do what 99.99999% of the losers do...
go it alone.

3. Hiring a mentor speeds things up too much.

After all, you want to drag the product creation / launch process out as long as possible, right?

That way, when your friends and family ask you a year from now how your project is going, you'll be able to tell them you'll have it ready to go in just another few months or so.

Otherwise, if you hired a mentor, a year from now you'd be telling your friends and family that you were about to launch your fourth or fifth product. Now who wants to do that?

4. If you hire a mentor, you'll miss the pleasure of constantly being rejected.

After all, a mentor can introduce you to key people in the industry.

You'll immediately have people you can correspond with, trade ideas with, and even JV with.

But without a mentor, you'll be able to write hundreds of emails to marketers, and get replies like...

"Who are you again?" 
"I don't have time."
"Write back when you're somebody."

And the eternal favorites,
no reply at all.

Who wants to miss out on all that character-building rejection?

5. Bottom line, if you want to...

  • take YEARS and YEARS to become successful

  • have a STRONG possibility you will never realize success

  • get rejected a LOT

  • make many, MANY mistakes

  • waste gobs of money on dead-end projects

  • waste oodles of your precious time

  • never know if you're headed in the right direction or not

  • not have someone you can get guidance and feedback from

  • and get discouraged and quit before you ever do anything significant...


My first priority in writing this letter...

Is to show the flaw in Internet marketing training.

To show you that if you haven't made it yet, it's not because you've failed.

It's because the system has failed.

To achieve real, long term success, you need the right training.

You need a mentor.

If you are SERIOUS about Internet Marketing, then you need to ACT serious.

Your choice.

If you're serious,
if you're ready,
and if you're in time,

If you're too late and the six protégé positions are filled, email me and I will put you on the waiting list.

John Delavera

P.S. I could add testimonials of customers below... times are evil today and I am not sure if there is a better CASE STUDY other than MYSELF.

Just Google my name.
Ask in the forums.
And see what people say.


As said, a mentorship is not a magic wand. You cannot reach any success in your life if you do not want and work for it. It sounds metaphysical... It is - in my humble opinion. I can tell you why. I can help. In fact... I do not think you need anything else other than this mentorship onine. But you need to work... you need to work hard. And YOU, only YOU are responsible for the results you can bring. Even the best magic wand can become a just a broom in wrong hands. If we understand each other then welcome aboard. 


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