The Catchiest Slogans Ever
“Just Do It” Did you know it was inspired by a murderer? Utah Gary Gilmore’s last words when facing a firing squad were, “Let’s do this.” Inspiration can come from anywhere when you’re open to it. “Got Milk”? This slogan almost didn’t make the cut in 1993 at the Goodby Silverstein agency. It was deemed […]
Five (5) ways to monetize your blog traffic
Did you know businesses that blog get more traffic than those that don’t? It just makes sense. People will want to read your website’s excellent blog content. But turning those readers into customers can sometimes be challenging. Here are 5 tactics that can turn even the most diehard skeptic blog reader into a paying customer. […]
Seventeen (17) Psychological techniques used by top brands to boost conversions
People love to think they make their purchases based on logic, but in reality, it’s all about their cognitive biases subconsciously making their decisions for them. Remember that over 95% of purchasing decisions are emotional, not rational. Marketing is about influencing the prospect in one direction, using behavioral science to make sales. The above might […]